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Student Accommodation Towers

Starting From:- £3M to £30M

Number of units:- 0



United Kingdom

Key Highlights

Freehold / Leasehold Options Available

Offplan / Constructed and Part Constructed Options Available

Off Market / On Market Options Available

Distress Sale and Below MArket Value Options Available

Information on Student Accommodation Towers

Would you like to sell your property off market?

Our goal when receiving an Off-Market property is to bring buyers and sellers together while ensuring confidentiality and discretion.

If you desire to sell your property more discreetly, Off-Market might for you. By selling your property through us under Off-Market, we would market it discreetly to the right client base. Many of our buyers are experienced with diverse portfolios displaying many years of experience, as well as being ready to purchase discreet Off-Market properties.

Many property owners like to sell their properties with minimum discretion while ensuring confidentiality as well. In many cases the property could belong to a big brand or would want to sell the property in a short amount of time. In any case by selling your property in the Off-Market, It will bring the attention of serious investors who want to deal in upmost discretion.

Confidentiality is our number one priority

Confidentiality is ensured with our sellers, when speaking with buyers we don’t share any sensitive information about the owner nor the property. When a buyer shows serious commitment with a letter of intent and has also signing an NCNDA, only then will we release the details of the property to them. We find the right client base of qualified investors, who may have previously invested in known properties or invested in properties we dealt in the past. This guarantees serious investors only show interest while also being qualified for the specific property.

No sales commission from the seller

Normally we don’t take commission from the property sales, instead we bill it from the buyer. If it was discussed between the seller beforehand then it might be an option.

What type of Off-Market Property do our Investors want?

When it comes to off market our investors are more attracted to prime locations like London and Birmingham, however this doesn’t mean properties in Salford or Cornwall is frowned upon. Should you have a Hotel, Land, Distressed apartments or even an entire block of Office/Student/Family accommodation, we can present it to the right investor to whom these will appeal to.


Off Market Projects

At Hamilton we source various Off-Market Properties located in the UK ranging from 10M – 1.5Bn. These properties vary from Hotels, Office/Student Blocks, Land, Distressed Apartments and Family accommodation including Luxury Mansions. Should you need anything in W1 or should you need anything in Aberdeen, we can facilitate the best suited property to meet your requirements.

We are either the mandate or direct to the mandate on these deals, so you can expect the sale to be swift and discrete.

Due to confidentiality reason we will need a NCNDA signed before we could provide you with specific information on the projects. We will also need a Letter of Intent and Proof of Funds before we could consider your offer.

Please note that for reasons of privacy, we can only provide information directly to either the buyer or their representative once the buyer instructs us to do so.

Our off-market projects include:

•    Hotels
•    Student Accommodation in  major UK cities
•    Land with and without Planning Permission
•    Development opportunities
•    Below Market Value buy to let properties
•    Central London Portfolio
•    Distressed projects

We currently have a very large portfolio of projects available and also have a large client base network that are looking for opportunities.

For further information email us at info (@) or call us on +44 (0)1628 397840

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Hamilton Internationals Student Accommodation Towers

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Why Hamilton International Estates

We strive to deliver a personal service for all of our clients

Why us

Our standard is also a measure of the perfection that we strive to achieve in everything we do. Our professional property consultants have cumulatively acquired over 25 years of experience in providing the perfect property development opportunities for all our clients..

What we offer

Hamilton International Estates specialises in property development opportunities. We have a wide range of property developments, ranging from; residential and commercial property. The Hamilton International Estates Standard is the benchmark of our excellence by which we judge ourselves.

Our Role

We build genuine partnerships with our customers and use our intellect to help our clients reach their goals. Our role is to connect buyers and sellers across the world and we offer our clients a number of different assets that they can purchase, retain and profit from.

Our Clients

Our client base is formed of people across the globe who wish to diversify their portfolios as well as purchase and profit from a variety of different assets. Our experience aids us to tailor our services to meet the needs of all our clients.

  • Chiltern House Business Centre
    64 High Street,
    Burnham, Bucks
    SL1 7JT, United Kingdom

  • Email : info (@)
  • Phone number : +44(0)1628 397840

Disclaimer - Hamilton International Estates is acting as an agent in marketing products and services for many other companies. Hamilton International Estates is not authorised to give investment/tax advice and you should seek independent financial and legal advice prior to making any investment decision. All forecasts are based on historical performance and are purely indicative. The value of your property may rise or fall. No guarantees as to future performance in respect of income or capital growth are given either expressly or by implication and nothing expressed or implied should be taken as a forecast of future performance. This is not an offer to participate in a collective investment scheme as defined in the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (section 235) and as such buyers have no access to statutory or regulatory protections including the Financial Ombudsman Service and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Hamilton International Estates is not regulated by the FCA and is not authorised to offer advice to the general public concerning any regulated or unregulated investment. Although every care has been taken to make sure that the information in this brochure / website is accurate, Hamilton International Estates cannot accept any responsibility for mistakes or omissions. You should take your own professional advice before taking or refraining from any action based on the contents of this brochure / website which are only intended as a general outline to the matters referred to in it. All content, product description and illustrations in this factsheet, brochures and website are purely marketing material provided by the companies that we work as agents for. Hamilton International Estates registered address Chiltern House Business Center, 64 High Street, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 7JT, United Kingdom, Company Registration Number 10767032 is a sales and marketing agent.

© Hamilton International Property Investments 2018