Guest Posting

Guest Posting Guidelines, Terms and Conditions and Policy
- Be sure to include headlines
- We only accept relevant content regarding Real estate.
- Write quality contents that adds value for readers.
- We only accept articles that are written in English.
- The article should be minimum of 1500 words and should describe the relevant topic.
- We don’t accept guest post articles that are published somewhere else.
- After publishing an article on our site you can’t publish that article anywhere else as it will automatically be removed.
- It is mandatory to include an image that is relevant to the content and it should be unique and not published anywhere else or it should be under a creative common license, also image credits must be provided where necessary.
- A link should be included with the proper anchor text but only include a link that will be of value to the reader. Do not not include a link for the sake of link building, only include a link that is relevant to the content being posted. We do not reject links based on DA or PA but the link must follow search engine rules.
- Your article must be 100% unique – duplicate, copied or spun content will be deleted, resulting in a permanent ban on any further submissions.
- We don’t accept posts with spelling or grammatical errors.
- The post should fit in with the website content theme (i.e Mont digital - digital media related, 99 Alternatives - investment related ect).
- By submitting your guest post to us it means that we will own the copyrights to the content and we can modify or delete the post if we feel there is a need.
- It can take up to 3 working days to process a guest post.
- You can only add one external quality link to your article.
Cost Of Guest Post
The charge for a guest post is £30 which covers the cost of publishing the post as one off cost. Should you require multiple guest posts please email guestpost(@)montdigital(.)com mentioning the domain name of this website, your contact details and your requirement.
Topics We Prefer
- Property
- Residential
- Commercial
- Rental
- Accommodation
- Buy to Let
- Rental Yields
- Real Estate
- Mortgage
How to Submit Your Post?
If you would like to submit a guest post on, please click here which will take you to our digital media agency Mont Digital. Should you have any questions please email guestpost(@)montdigital(.)com mentioning the domain name of this website and your questions.